Thursday, May 23, 2013

MR. PM Invasion is not far away

Horrific and brutal murder of one British soldier on the streets of Woolwich (London) has shucked me really badly. When I read this news I took it as ordinary news but when I read second time then I realized that it is not ordinary news but I call it as slap on the face of great traditions of British tolerance freedom and liberties.  Although prime minister’s statement and bogus leaders of British Muslims are to calm down the situation but we need to look at root causes of this type of incidents.
About three years ago I went to Islamic Heritage centre Whalley Range Manchester for eid prayer. Whole speech of the Imam was about jihad. Islamic Heritage Centre was used to be transport college bought by Kuwaiti investors and converted to Islamic Heritage centre. This is photograph taken during his jihad speech at Islamic Heritage centre. 

It is not only Islamic heritage centre which was bought by Muslims but there was students hostel on Alexandra road whally range  Manchester bought by muslims and converted to Islamic school.
There was one hotel on chorlton road whalley range opposite health centre and netto shop has taken over by organisation “Minhaj ul quran” an organisation owned by Pakistani cleric Dr, Prof. Maulana Alama Tahir ul Qadri who claimed bogus asylum in Canada and gained Canadian citizenship.

Manchester city football club bought by and dubei sheikh and one football club owned by
Alfayed (owner of Harrods). Another british football club acquired by Al hisawi group of Kuwait. This is only known to me but there are hundreds and thousands other places by muslims which in my words are responsible to destroy real british culture. It is not by incident but it is planned invasion.

It is early seventies in Faisalabad  a city in Pakistan  “jamiat Ithad ul Ulama of Pakistan” held their conference and invited clerics of different sects. “Maulana Gulzar Ahmad Mazahari” was president of this organisation. In other words it was formed by Jamaat E Islami.of Pakistan. Ther was one particular speaker named “Abdul Rasheed Sidiqui “ from “UK Islamic Mission”. This particular speaker claimed during his speech  That
“we are doing too much Islamic work that you will see after 10 years uks map will be changed”. As soon as he told this to the conference all people started shouting slogans like “ Naara Takbeer  Allah hu Akbar” (shout Allah hu Akbar). During that time I was in my early teens. After passing 40 years what happened to british map? Is Britain became Islamic state or Khlafat? No it was lie of Uk Islamic Mission cleric.

Now lets see what is Uk Islamic mission. UIM is part of Jamaat Islami of Pakistan which is responsible for present lawlessness in Pakistan. His east Pakistan wing more than 10 leaders are under trial for Rape murder, looting and othere serious crimes in Bangladeshi courts. Jamaat Islami has never condemned talibaan mujahideen or alquidah. Because jamaat was biggest supplier of mujahideen to afghanista and Kashmir and even in Bangladesh in the form of alshmas and albadar.

Now lets see Tahir ul Qadri. A Pakistani cleric returned to Pakistan after claiming bogus asylum and staying 3-4 years in the Canada to acquire Canadian citizen on the basis of asylum. He came back and challenged last government of Pakistan in his flambouynt speeches. At the end gathered around 50 thousands of his followers and forced Pakistani government to negotiate with him. This is not new to muslims  Islamic history is full of this type of  events.

If someone wants to go abroad they ask whether they could get visa to that particular country. In the case of Britain they ask whether they can get nationality or not. It is a big joke.  I have no objection on people’s migration. It is a natural phenomenon for all species to migrate in search of food. It is ok to let good people in but it is not fair to locals which are losing their all opportunities to the explosion of invasion.

Few years ago I was renovating one of my flat  and plasterer was Iraqi Kurdish.. His name I use kargazar or similar . He was asylum seeker with his family in Manchester.
In reality what I have found out from the conversation . He came to Germany to get baby through medical means and then moved to safe heaven Britain and claimed asylum.
According to him since he came to Britain he has bought three properties in Iraq by claiming benefits and working illegally.
Other thing kargazar have told me that during Iraqi invasion of Kuwait his uncle was in Iraqi police. Every day his uncle used to go with empty truck to Kuwait and bring back full truck with goods stolen from Kuwaiti homes. Now this Iraqi police man is asylum seeker and living in Sheffield.

 My dear prime minister and government you have decided to accept hundreds afghani translators But keep in mind they belonged to different culture. How many of them could kill another soldier at one stage. It is also alarm Tahir ul qadri type of cleric gather his 50000 Supporters and start sit on near house of common as he did in Islamabad

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