Maan boli
Mom ammi
tay bibi jee menu eh daso jee
Main apni
maan boli kehno kehwaan jee
Tuseen donu
hus hus kay boloo Punjabi jee
main kyoan
urdu bolaan eh tay gul daso jee
meray nal
vee hus kay boloo maan boli jee
boloo jee
maan boli jee boloo maan boli jee
Sweetness of maanboli
What I say
about my beloved Punjab
Which is
ignoring its own language
It is a
place of five rivers and love
Where great
lovers born and raised
Sufi’s and
singers sung their trails
They felt
its sweetness used Punjabi
about them what they were
Come on
friends don’t stay away
Feel us we
will clean your heart
We will put
you at on high point
Just clean
your heart and come
We are not
illiterate and junkies
We have
real love to give you
We are
ready to hear you come
Just come
meet us and feel us
There is
only love and welcome
We welcomed
all to our land
I know we
are not that civilised
doesn’t need any civility
come and
see our bleeding heart
come on feel
the sweetness of
our mother
tongue Punjabi
your hate
will go from your heart
just come
on and feel our love
you will
lose yourself like dulla
we will say
dulla you will say bhulla
come to our
land not be stranger
come please
come before its late
Tandoor wali
Ghun kay
lianda ata main chamaan naal
Laa day
rotian merian tandoor waliyay
taraqian tay paseenay kadan wali
Lambi dar
hegi ah rottian lwaunay wali
paseena hoi rotian launay wali
Eh paseena
nehn eh laho ah gareeban da
pakha na Ac na eh howa tayray kol
Pher jaldi
la day rottian tandoor waliyay
Na bijli
tay pani teray kol tandoor waliyay
Na phutti
na phatta na kursi tay na moorah
Jaldi la
day merian rotian tandoor waliyay
Maan boli kiklee
kleer dee maan boli meri daday dee
daadee dee
Bapu dee mummy vee bole jee
nanay dee
nani dee saray bolan Punjabi jee
kleer dee na lehjay dee na paan dee
na tungi
paun dee tay na ee ah khaan dee
maanboli naal pungay naa pawoo jee
kleer dee jago jee bolo maanboli jee
peeyo khavo
huso jee tay maujaan luto jee
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